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ERDDAP > Files

ERDDAP's "files" system lets you browse a virtual file system and download source data files.
WARNING! The dataset's metadata and variable names in these source files may be different than elsewhere in ERDDAP! You might prefer using the dataset's Data Access Form instead. ("files" documentation, including "How can I work with these files?")
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[DIR]Parent Directory--
[DIR]argoFloats/--Argo Float Vertical Profiles
[DIR]cchdo_bottle/--CCHDO GO SHIP bottle data
[DIR]cchdo_ctd/--CCHDO GO SHIP ctd data
[DIR]gdp_hourly_velocities/--Global Drifter Program hourly drifting buoy collection
[DIR]gdp_interpolated_drifter/--Global Drifter Program drifting buoy collection
[DIR]ioos_obs_counts/--IOOS GTS counts
[DIR]MEOP_profiles/--meop animal profiles
[DIR]NTAS_flux/--OceanSITES Surface fluxes calculated with Coare 3.0 algorithm from data from surface mooring NTAS
[DIR]NTAS_met/--OceanSITES Surface meteorology from the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Station surface mooring (NTAS)
[DIR]oceansites_pacific_temp_10m/--OceanSITES TAO 10-Minute High Resolution TEMP Data
[DIR]papa_hourly_temp/--OceanSITES Papa hourly TEMP in-situ data
[DIR]pirata_hourly_temp/--OceanSITES PIRATA hourly TEMP in-situ data
[DIR]rama_hourly_temp/--OceanSITES RAMA hourly TEMP in-situ data
[DIR]sd1054/--Pacific Storms PMEL AOML 2020 GTS data
[DIR]sikuliaq/--SIKULIAQ Meteorological Data (Cruise data from Sikuliaq)
[DIR]sikuliaq_sst/--Thermosalinograph data collected aboard Sikuliaq in WMO square 7514 from 2019-06-26T07:47:00Z to 2019-06-30T12:33:00Z.
[DIR]Stratus_flux/--OceanSITES Surface fluxes calculated with Coare 3.0 algorithm from data from surface mooring Stratus
[DIR]Stratus_met/--OceanSITES Surface meteorology from the Stratus Ocean Reference Station surface mooring
[DIR]triton_hourly_temp/--OceanSITES Triton hourly TEMP in-situ data
[DIR]TSGdata_arctic/--Thermosalinograph data collected in WMO square 7514 from 1990 to 1999
[DIR]WHOTS_flux/--OceanSITES Surface fluxes calculated with Coare 3.0 algorithm from data from surface mooring WHOTS
[DIR]WHOTS_met/--OceanSITES Surface meteorology from the WHOI, Hawaii Ocean Time-series Station surface mooring (WHOTS)
[DIR]wtec_ais/--AIS met data from Ronald Brown
[WWW]documentation.html24-Oct-2024 19:00-Documentation for ERDDAP's "files" system.

24 directories, 1 file

ERDDAP, Version 2.18
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