National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


FY 1974

Currents observed in Juan de Fuca submarine canyon and vicinity, 1971

Cannon, G.A., N.P. Laird, and T.V. Ryan

NOAA Tech. Report ERL252-POL14, NTIS: COM-73-50401, 57 pp (1973)

Description is given of the experiment and of the current measurements and related data made in the Juan de Fuca submarine canyon, on the surrounding continental shelf, and in the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca during October-November 1971. Flow in the canyon, in general, substantiated speculations in Cannon (1972). Inertial oscillations were observed in the surface layer over the shelf. Outflow was observed in the mid to bottom waters in the mouth of the Strait for periods of several days corresponding with out-canyon flow. Bottom currents on the shelf flowed toward the canyon from north and south.

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