FY 1995 VENTS 1993 Cleft and CoAxial Segment plume monitoring: Physical and chemical data, NOAA ship Discoverer and R/V Atlantis II, June to October 1993 Devany, M.S., E.T. Baker, R.A. Feely, D.J. Pashinski, G.T. Lebon, S.L. Walker, and K.A. Krogslund NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-52, NTIS: PB95-179958, 85 pp (1994) This report summarizes salinity, temperature, nutrient, optical, and total suspended matter data collected during the NOAA VENTS cruises in June to October of 1993. The data was collected over the Juan de Fuca Ridge covering an area from 44°00´N to 48°30´N and 128°30´W to 130°40´W. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Journal Abbreviations | Help Help