FY 1971 Gravity anomalies and their relation to major tectonic features in the North-Central Pacific Lucas, W.H. NOAA Tech. Report ERL214-POL6, 23 pp (1971) Gravity anomalies in the norht-central Pacific have been obtained aboard the USC&GS Ship SURVEYOR with a LaCoste and Romberg surface-ship gravity meter. The data lie along several profiles from the Hawaiian Archipelago to 39°N between 167°W and 173°30W and extend across the north side of the Hawaiian Archipelago and portions of the Murray, Pioneer, Mendocino and Surveyor fracture zones. The accuracy of the measurements is estimated to be within ±5 mgal and the data are in agreement with those published by Worzel on the basis of 1948 submarine pendulum measurements. Maps of free-air and Bouguer anomalies are presented and some of their crustal structural implications are discussed. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Journal Abbreviations | Help Help