National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


FY 1972

Observations of currents and water properties in Puget Sound, 1972

Cannon, G.A., and N.P. Laird

NOAA Tech. Report ERL247-POL13, 42 pp (1972)

Description is given of the experiment and the current measurements and STD observations made in Puget Sound in February 1972, a particularly cold winter in Puget Sound. Mean flow was observed to reverse from northerly in the surface water to southerly in the deep water at a depth near 50 m, the approximate bottom of the pycnocline. Significant concentration of kinetic energy at the lunar semidiurnal tidal frequency was observed at 41 m in the pycnocline. Relatively large temperature fluctuations which decayed with time and then were absent were observed.

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