FY 1972 Observations of currents and water properties in Puget Sound, 1972 Cannon, G.A., and N.P. Laird NOAA Tech. Report ERL247-POL13, 42 pp (1972) Description is given of the experiment and the current measurements and STD observations made in Puget Sound in February 1972, a particularly cold winter in Puget Sound. Mean flow was observed to reverse from northerly in the surface water to southerly in the deep water at a depth near 50 m, the approximate bottom of the pycnocline. Significant concentration of kinetic energy at the lunar semidiurnal tidal frequency was observed at 41 m in the pycnocline. Relatively large temperature fluctuations which decayed with time and then were absent were observed. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Journal Abbreviations | Help Help