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   set  data   graph     Saildrone SOCHIC NRT ASVCO2 Validation drone 1067    ?   F   I   M   background (external link) RSS Subscribe Saildrone sd1067_sochic_test

The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL _NCProperties String version=2,netcdf=4.6.3,hdf5=1.10.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL area String undefined
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_trajectory_variables String trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, COARDS
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String support at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_mode String realtime
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2021-12-03T00:07:02.722091Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL description String Saildrone NetCDF Format
attribute NC_GLOBAL drone_id String 1067
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -122.3042816
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 37.782816
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 37.7823104
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -122.3042816
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -122.3052928
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String Saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String 178985
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL interval double 60.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String 0.5m, active, air, air_pressure, air_temperature, angle, asvco2, ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS, ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS, ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS, atmosphere, atmospheric, BARO_PRES_MEAN, BARO_PRES_STDDEV, biosphere, calibration, carbon, carbon dioxide, chemistry, CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN, CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV, chlorophyll, co2, CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2, CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2, CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2, co2kspan, co2kspan2, co2kzero, coefficient, COG, COG_FILTERED_MEAN, COG_FILTERED_STDDEV, concentration, COND_SBE37_MEAN, COND_SBE37_STDDEV, conductivity, control, counts, course, data, density, depth, detector, diagnostic, dioxide, direction, dissolved, dominant, downward, downward_air_velocity, downwelling, dried, drone, dry, earth, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant Wave Height, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Spectra, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, eastward, eastward_wind, electrical, equilibration, flags, flow, flux, fractional, fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water, gen2, ground, gust, GUST_WND_MEAN, GUST_WND_STDDEV, HDG, HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, HDG_WING, heading, height, humidity, instrument, INSTRUMENT_STATE, latitude, level, licor, longitude, loop, mass, mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, max, maximum, mean, measurement, measurements, min, minute, mole, mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water, molecular, northward, northward_wind, O2, O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN, O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV, O2_MEAN_ASVCO2, O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN, O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV, O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2, ocean, oceans, offset, one, over, oxygen, PAR_AIR_MEAN, PAR_AIR_STDDEV, partially, peak, period, photon, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, pitch, PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, platform, platform_course, platform_pitch_angle, platform_roll_angle, platform_speed_wrt_ground, platform_yaw_angle, practical, pressure, quality, radiation, raw, reference, relative, relative_humidity, RH_MEAN, RH_MEAN_ASVCO2, RH_STDDEV, RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2, RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2, RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2, roll, ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, rtc, saildrone, SAL_SBE37_MEAN, SAL_SBE37_STDDEV, salinity, sample, sampling, saturation, science, sea, sea_surface_skin_temperature, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_water_electrical_conductivity, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_temperature, seawater, secondary, seconds, sensor, shop, significant, skin, slope, SOG, SOG_FILTERED_MAX, SOG_FILTERED_MEAN, SOG_FILTERED_MIN, SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV, span, spectra, spectral, speed, state, static, stddev, stream, surface, surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air, system, TEMP_AIR_MEAN, TEMP_AIR_STDDEV, TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN, TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV, TEMP_SBE37_MEAN, TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV, temperature, testing, time, trajectory, trajectory/drone, uncompensated, UWND_MEAN, UWND_STDDEV, vapor, variance, vegetation, vehicle, velocity, VWND_MEAN, VWND_STDDEV, water, wave, WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD, WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT, waves, wind, wind_from_direction, WIND_FROM_MEAN, WIND_FROM_STDDEV, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV, wind_speed, WIND_SPEED_MEAN, wind_speed_of_gust, WIND_SPEED_STDDEV, winds, wing, WING_ANGLE, WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, within, wrt, WWND_MEAN, WWND_STDDEV, xco2, XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2, XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2, yaw, zero
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String 2021 © SAILDRONE Inc. All Rights Reserved. These Data and any resultant Product are the property of SAILDRONE. At SAILDRONE's sole discretion, these Data may be used for research or educational activities only. You may not use, share or sell the Data for any other purpose including for commercial purposes, or alternatively, have any unauthorized third party use or sell the Data, either for any research, educational and/or commercial purpose(s), without the express prior consent of SAILDRONE.
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String com.saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL netcdf_version String 4.6.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL nodc_template_version String NODC_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 37.782816
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String Saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String shop_testing_sochic_usf_2022
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Saildrone
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 37.7823104
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v58
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String trajectory, INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String In shop testing of gen2 OCS CO2 systems
attribute NC_GLOBAL testOutOfDate String now-2days
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_duration String PT17H59M59.999S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2021-12-02T17:59:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT1M
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2021-12-02T00:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_in String minutes
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Saildrone SOCHIC NRT ASVCO2 Validation drone 1067
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -122.3052928
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_id String 5801957
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute latitude actual_range double 37.7823104, 37.782816
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude device_name String VectorNav Hull IMU (100041616)
attribute latitude installed_date String 2021-12-01T00:33:59.665272Z
attribute latitude installed_height double 0.34
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude missing_value double NaN
attribute latitude model_name String VN-300
attribute latitude model_product_page String (external link)
attribute latitude nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute latitude serial_number String 100041616
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude update_period double 50.0
attribute latitude vendor_name String VectorNav
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double NaN
attribute longitude actual_range double -122.3052928, -122.3042816
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude device_name String VectorNav Hull IMU (100041616)
attribute longitude installed_date String 2021-12-01T00:33:59.665272Z
attribute longitude installed_height double 0.34
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude missing_value double NaN
attribute longitude model_name String VN-300
attribute longitude model_product_page String (external link)
attribute longitude nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute longitude serial_number String 100041616
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude update_period double 50.0
attribute longitude vendor_name String VectorNav
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.6384032E9, 1.63846794E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String time in seconds
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable trajectory   String  
attribute trajectory cf_role String trajectory_id
attribute trajectory comment String A trajectory is a single deployment of a drone
attribute trajectory long_name String Trajectory/Drone ID
variable SOG   double  
attribute SOG _FillValue double NaN
attribute SOG actual_range double 0.001, 0.123
attribute SOG long_name String Speed over ground
attribute SOG missing_value double NaN
attribute SOG standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute SOG units String m s-1
variable SOG_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double 0.009, 0.064
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Speed over ground one minute mean
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MEAN units String m s-1
variable SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.004, 0.039
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Speed over ground one minute stddev
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV units String m s-1
variable SOG_FILTERED_MAX   double  
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX _FillValue double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX actual_range double 0.018, 0.189
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX long_name String Speed over ground one minute max
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX missing_value double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MAX units String m s-1
variable SOG_FILTERED_MIN   double  
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN _FillValue double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN actual_range double 0.0, 0.023
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN long_name String Speed over ground one minute min
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN missing_value double NaN
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute SOG_FILTERED_MIN units String m s-1
variable COG   double  
attribute COG _FillValue double NaN
attribute COG actual_range double 1.1000000000000227, 359.60000000000036
attribute COG long_name String Course over ground
attribute COG missing_value double NaN
attribute COG standard_name String platform_course
attribute COG units String degree
variable COG_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double 0.4, 359.3
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Course over ground one minute mean
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN standard_name String platform_course
attribute COG_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable COG_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 13.8, 694.8
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Course over ground one minute stddev
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV standard_name String platform_course
attribute COG_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable HDG   double  
attribute HDG _FillValue double NaN
attribute HDG actual_range double 0.09999999999854481, 359.6999999999971
attribute HDG long_name String Vehicle heading
attribute HDG missing_value double NaN
attribute HDG standard_name String platform_yaw_angle
attribute HDG units String degree
variable HDG_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double 0.2, 359.9
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Vehicle heading one minute mean
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN standard_name String platform_yaw_angle
attribute HDG_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 35.0
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Vehicle heading one minute stddev
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV standard_name String platform_yaw_angle
attribute HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double -0.3, 1.5
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Vehicle roll one minute mean
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN standard_name String platform_roll_angle
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.6
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Vehicle roll one minute stddev
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV standard_name String platform_roll_angle
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK   double  
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK _FillValue double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK actual_range double -0.4, 1.5
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK long_name String Vehicle roll one minute peak
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK missing_value double NaN
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK standard_name String platform_roll_angle
attribute ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK units String degree
variable PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double -0.2, 0.1
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Vehicle pitch one minute mean
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN standard_name String platform_pitch_angle
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.1
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Vehicle pitch one minute stddev
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV standard_name String platform_pitch_angle
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK   double  
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK _FillValue double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK actual_range double -0.2, 0.2
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK long_name String Vehicle pitch one minute peak
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK missing_value double NaN
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK standard_name String platform_pitch_angle
attribute PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK units String degree
variable HDG_WING   double  
attribute HDG_WING _FillValue double NaN
attribute HDG_WING actual_range double 4.6, 358.4
attribute HDG_WING long_name String Wing heading
attribute HDG_WING missing_value double NaN
attribute HDG_WING units String degree
variable WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double 270.2, 350.6
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Wing heading one minute mean
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 34.8
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Wing heading one minute stddev
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double -1.2, -0.8
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Wing roll one minute mean
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.1
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Wing roll one minute stddev
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK   double  
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK long_name String Wing roll one minute peak
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK units String degree
variable WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN   double  
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN actual_range double -0.4, 0.8
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN long_name String Wing pitch one minute mean
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN units String degree
variable WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV   double  
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.7
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV long_name String Wing pitch one minute stddev
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV units String degree
variable WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK   double  
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK actual_range double -0.6, 1.4
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK long_name String Wing pitch one minute peak
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK units String degree
variable WING_ANGLE   double  
attribute WING_ANGLE _FillValue double NaN
attribute WING_ANGLE actual_range double -180.0, 179.90000000000146
attribute WING_ANGLE long_name String Wing angle
attribute WING_ANGLE missing_value double NaN
attribute WING_ANGLE units String degree
variable WIND_FROM_MEAN   double  
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN actual_range double 0.0, 348.7
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN long_name String Wind from
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN units String degree
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_FROM_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable WIND_FROM_STDDEV   double  
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV long_name String Wind from SD
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV units String degree
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_FROM_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable WIND_SPEED_MEAN   double  
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN actual_range double 0.0, 1.56
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 15.0
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN long_name String Wind speed
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN standard_name String wind_speed
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN units String m s-1
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_SPEED_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable WIND_SPEED_STDDEV   double  
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV long_name String Wind speed SD
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV units String m s-1
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_SPEED_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable UWND_MEAN   double  
attribute UWND_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute UWND_MEAN actual_range double -0.07, 0.79
attribute UWND_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 15.0
attribute UWND_MEAN colorBarMinimum double -15.0
attribute UWND_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute UWND_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute UWND_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute UWND_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute UWND_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute UWND_MEAN long_name String Eastward wind speed
attribute UWND_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute UWND_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute UWND_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute UWND_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute UWND_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute UWND_MEAN standard_name String eastward_wind
attribute UWND_MEAN units String m s-1
attribute UWND_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute UWND_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable UWND_STDDEV   double  
attribute UWND_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute UWND_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.42
attribute UWND_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute UWND_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute UWND_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute UWND_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute UWND_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute UWND_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute UWND_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute UWND_STDDEV long_name String Eastward wind speed SD
attribute UWND_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute UWND_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute UWND_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute UWND_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute UWND_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute UWND_STDDEV units String m s-1
attribute UWND_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute UWND_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable VWND_MEAN   double  
attribute VWND_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute VWND_MEAN actual_range double -1.34, 0.08
attribute VWND_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 15.0
attribute VWND_MEAN colorBarMinimum double -15.0
attribute VWND_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute VWND_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute VWND_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute VWND_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute VWND_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute VWND_MEAN long_name String Northward wind speed
attribute VWND_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute VWND_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute VWND_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute VWND_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute VWND_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute VWND_MEAN standard_name String northward_wind
attribute VWND_MEAN units String m s-1
attribute VWND_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute VWND_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable VWND_STDDEV   double  
attribute VWND_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute VWND_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.49
attribute VWND_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute VWND_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute VWND_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute VWND_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute VWND_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute VWND_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute VWND_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute VWND_STDDEV long_name String Northward wind speed SD
attribute VWND_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute VWND_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute VWND_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute VWND_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute VWND_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute VWND_STDDEV units String m s-1
attribute VWND_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute VWND_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable WWND_MEAN   double  
attribute WWND_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WWND_MEAN actual_range double -0.1, 0.08
attribute WWND_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WWND_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WWND_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WWND_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute WWND_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WWND_MEAN long_name String Downward wind speed
attribute WWND_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WWND_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WWND_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WWND_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WWND_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute WWND_MEAN standard_name String downward_air_velocity
attribute WWND_MEAN units String m s-1
attribute WWND_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute WWND_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable WWND_STDDEV   double  
attribute WWND_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WWND_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.4
attribute WWND_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute WWND_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WWND_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WWND_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WWND_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WWND_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute WWND_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WWND_STDDEV long_name String Downward wind speed SD
attribute WWND_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WWND_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WWND_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WWND_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WWND_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute WWND_STDDEV units String m s-1
attribute WWND_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute WWND_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable GUST_WND_MEAN   double  
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN actual_range double 0.02, 2.63
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN long_name String Wind gust speed
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN standard_name String wind_speed_of_gust
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN units String m s-1
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute GUST_WND_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
variable GUST_WND_STDDEV   double  
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.39
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV long_name String Wind gust speed SD
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV units String m s-1
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute GUST_WND_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN actual_range double 3.447, 3.45
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN long_name String Wind measurement height
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN units String m
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN vendor_name String Gill
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV device_name String Gill Anemometer (W183720)
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV firmware String 2329-701-01
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:22:05.274170Z
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV installed_height double 5.2
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-09-26
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV long_name String Wind measurement height SD
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV model_name String 1590-PK-020
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV serial_number String W183720
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV update_period double 50.0
attribute WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV vendor_name String Gill
variable TEMP_AIR_MEAN   double  
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN actual_range double 16.23, 19.41
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN device_name String Rotronic AT/RH (0020257090)
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN firmware String V1.2-1
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:54:00.101539Z
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN installed_height double 2.3
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN long_name String Air temperature
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN model_name String HC2-S3
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN serial_number String 0020257090
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN standard_name String air_temperature
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_MEAN vendor_name String Rotronic
variable TEMP_AIR_STDDEV   double  
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV actual_range double 0.01, 0.48
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV device_name String Rotronic AT/RH (0020257090)
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV firmware String V1.2-1
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:54:00.101539Z
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV installed_height double 2.3
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV long_name String Air temperature SD
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV model_name String HC2-S3
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV serial_number String 0020257090
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_AIR_STDDEV vendor_name String Rotronic
variable RH_MEAN   double  
attribute RH_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_MEAN actual_range double 56.83, 62.96
attribute RH_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute RH_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute RH_MEAN device_name String Rotronic AT/RH (0020257090)
attribute RH_MEAN firmware String V1.2-1
attribute RH_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:54:00.101539Z
attribute RH_MEAN installed_height double 2.3
attribute RH_MEAN long_name String Relative humidity
attribute RH_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_MEAN model_name String HC2-S3
attribute RH_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute RH_MEAN serial_number String 0020257090
attribute RH_MEAN standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute RH_MEAN units String percent
attribute RH_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute RH_MEAN vendor_name String Rotronic
variable RH_STDDEV   double  
attribute RH_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 1.7
attribute RH_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute RH_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute RH_STDDEV device_name String Rotronic AT/RH (0020257090)
attribute RH_STDDEV firmware String V1.2-1
attribute RH_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:54:00.101539Z
attribute RH_STDDEV installed_height double 2.3
attribute RH_STDDEV long_name String Relative humidity SD
attribute RH_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_STDDEV model_name String HC2-S3
attribute RH_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute RH_STDDEV serial_number String 0020257090
attribute RH_STDDEV units String percent
attribute RH_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute RH_STDDEV vendor_name String Rotronic
variable BARO_PRES_MEAN   double  
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN actual_range double 1017.51, 1020.22
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 1050.0
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 950.0
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN device_name String Vaisala Barometer (2510664)
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN firmware String 2.0
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN installed_date String 2021-07-07T21:20:13.899311Z
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN installed_height double 0.2
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-06-15
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN long_name String Air pressure
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN model_name String PTB210
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN serial_number String 2510664
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN standard_name String air_pressure
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN units String hPa
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute BARO_PRES_MEAN vendor_name String Vaisala
variable BARO_PRES_STDDEV   double  
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.01
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV device_name String Vaisala Barometer (2510664)
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV firmware String 2.0
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-07-07T21:20:13.899311Z
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV installed_height double 0.2
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-06-15
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV long_name String Air pressure SD
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV model_name String PTB210
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV serial_number String 2510664
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV units String hPa
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute BARO_PRES_STDDEV vendor_name String Vaisala
variable PAR_AIR_MEAN   double  
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN actual_range double 0.0, 313.0
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 500.0
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN colorBarMinimum double -500.0
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN device_name String LI-COR PAR (9972)
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:59:37.906864Z
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN installed_height double 2.6
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-07-13
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN long_name String Photosynthetically active radiation in air
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN model_name String LI-192SA
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN serial_number String 9972
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN standard_name String surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN units String micromol s-1 m-2
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute PAR_AIR_MEAN vendor_name String LI-COR
variable PAR_AIR_STDDEV   double  
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 9.0
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV device_name String LI-COR PAR (9972)
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:59:37.906864Z
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV installed_height double 2.6
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-07-13
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV long_name String Photosynthetically active radiation in air SD
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV model_name String LI-192SA
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV serial_number String 9972
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV units String micromol s-1 m-2
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute PAR_AIR_STDDEV vendor_name String LI-COR
variable TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN   double  
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN actual_range double 10.99, 20.52
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN device_name String Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12703)
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN firmware String 5.07
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:50:19.964866Z
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN installed_height double 2.25
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN last_calibrated String 2018-05-29
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN long_name String Wing Sea IR Temperature
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN model_name String CT15.10
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN serial_number String 12703
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN standard_name String sea_surface_skin_temperature
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN vendor_name String Heitronics
variable TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV   double  
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV actual_range double 0.01, 0.02
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV device_name String Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12703)
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV firmware String 5.07
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:50:19.964866Z
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV installed_height double 2.25
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2018-05-29
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV long_name String Wing Sea IR Temperature SD
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV model_name String CT15.10
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV serial_number String 12703
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV vendor_name String Heitronics
variable INSTRUMENT_STATE   String  
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE comment String During every ASVCO2 sampling period (nominally scheduled hourly), the system cycles through a series of states. This variable indicates the mode corresponding to each measurement, Refer to manual for additional details, see:
ZPON = during Zero Position state pump on mode,
ZPOFF = during Zero Position state pump off mode,
ZPPCAL = during Zero Position state post calibration mode,
SPON = during Span Position state flow/pump on mode,
SPOFF = during Span Position state flow/pump off mode,
SPPCAL = during Span Position state post calibration mode,
EPON = during Equil Position state (water measurement) pump on mode,
EPOFF = during Equil Position state (water measurement) pump off mode,
APON = during Air Position state (air measurement) pump on mode,
APOFF = during Air Position state (air measurement) pump off mode,
SUMMARY = aggregated data for entire sample run.
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE installed_height double 0.2
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE long_name String Instrument Sampling State
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE model_name String Gen2
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE units String enum
attribute INSTRUMENT_STATE vendor_name String PMEL
variable ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS   uint  
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of error flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Quality flags
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_GENERAL_ERROR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
variable ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS   uint  
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of zero flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Zero flags
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_ZERO_ERROR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
variable ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS   uint  
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of span flags. Most common is 0x0400 (1024) indicating span gas is out. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Span flags
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_SPAN_ERROR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of secondary span flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Secondary Span flags
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_SECONDARYSPAN_ERROR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of equilibration and air flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Equilibration and Air flags
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_EQUILIBRATEANDAIR_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
variable ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS   uint  
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of real time clock flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 RTC flags
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_RTC_ERROR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 150.0
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS comment String Bit field of flow controller flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 Flow control flags
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_FLOWCONTROLLER_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
variable ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS   uint  
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS actual_range uint 0, 0
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS colorBarMaximum double 150.0
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS comment String Bit field of licor CO2 flags. See manual for details
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS device_name String PMEL ASVCO2 (3CADC7565)
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS firmware String v1.8-3-gbbd4f8e
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:44.764523Z
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS installed_height double 0.2
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS long_name String ASVCO2 LICOR flags
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS model_name String Gen2
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS serial_number String 3CADC7565
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS units String bitvector
attribute ASVCO2_LICOR_FLAGS vendor_name String PMEL
variable CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 20.254, 23.813
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String Detector Temperature
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Temperature Mean ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String degree_C
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
variable CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2   double  
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.009, 0.023
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Temperature SD ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String degree_C
attribute CO2DETECTOR_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.001, 0.007
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 last_pressure_bias_measured String 2021-09-24T00:00:00Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Pressure Uncompensated SD ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 pressure_bias String 0.025000 kPa
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_UNCOMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
variable CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 96.226, 104.552
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String Pressure within sample stream (not atmospheric pressure). Bias applied
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 last_pressure_bias_measured String 2021-09-24T00:00:00Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Pressure Mean ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 pressure_bias String 0.025000 kPa
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String kPa
attribute CO2DETECTOR_PRESS_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
variable CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double -2.058, 530.326
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String CO2 concentration in sample stream, at sample RH (not dry)
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 last_ASVCO2_validation String 2021-08-20T14:00:00Z
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Mean ASVCO2
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String micromol mol-1
attribute CO2_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
variable CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2   double  
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.121, 2.676
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 SD ASVCO2
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String micromol mol-1
attribute CO2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
variable RH_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 40.972, 44.242
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String Sensiron Digital Humidity Sensor (2D95)
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:19:30.758738Z
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String Relative Humidity Mean within sample stream of partially dried sample
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String SHT35
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String 2D95
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String percent
attribute RH_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Sensiron
variable RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2   double  
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.018, 0.14
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String Sensiron Digital Humidity Sensor (2D95)
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:19:30.758738Z
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String Relative Humidity SD ASVCO2
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String SHT35
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String 2D95
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String percent
attribute RH_STDDEV_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Sensiron
variable RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 18.825, 21.318
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String Sensiron Digital Humidity Sensor (2D95)
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:19:30.758738Z
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String Temperature Mean of the sample at the relative humidity sensor
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String SHT35
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String 2D95
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String degree_C
attribute RH_TEMP_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Sensiron
variable RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2   double  
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.01, 0.016
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String Sensiron Digital Humidity Sensor (2D95)
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:19:30.758738Z
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String Temperature SD of the sample at the relative humidity sensor
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String SHT35
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String 2D95
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String degree_C
attribute RH_TEMP_STDDEV_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Sensiron
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range uint 0, 7809141
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String Licor CO2 Detector Raw Sample Counts Mean
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String count
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range uint 0, 2240
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String Licor CO2 Detector Raw Sample Counts SD ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWSAMPLE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String count
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range uint 0, 6886530
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String Licor CO2 Detector Raw Reference Counts Mean ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String count
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue uint 4294967295
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range uint 0, 1059
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String Licor CO2 Detector Raw Reference Counts SD ASVCO2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute CO2DETECTOR_RAWREFERENCE_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
variable O2_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 19.627, 21.434
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String This oxygen measurement is made in the ASVCO2 equilibrated air stream. NOAA/PMEL has found that the oxygen does not come to complete equilibrium with seawater during the EPON and EPOFF states so any rapid changes in oxygen do not get properly captured using this instrument. We use the oxygen data only as a qualitative sense of the biology. It is not a quantitative measure.
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String Maxtec Diagnostic O2 Sensor (GC22699016)
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:55.784937Z
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String Diagnostic Oxygen Mean from sample loop
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String Max-250
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String GC22699016
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String percent
attribute O2_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Maxtec
variable O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2   double  
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.006, 0.028
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 device_name String Maxtec Diagnostic O2 Sensor (GC22699016)
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:55.784937Z
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 long_name String Diagnostic Oxygen SD from sample loop
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_name String Max-250
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 serial_number String GC22699016
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 units String percent
attribute O2_STDDEV_ASVCO2 vendor_name String Maxtec
variable XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 495.67, 527.46
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String Calculated per Sutton, A.J., Sabine, C.L., Maenner-Jones, S., Lawrence-Slavas, N., Meinig, C., Feely, R.A., Mathis, J.T., Musielewicz, S., Bott, R., McLain, P.D., Fought, J., Kozyr, A., 2014b. A high-frequency atmospheric and seawater pCO2 data set from 14 open ocean sites using a moored autonomous system. Earth Sys. Sci. Data, 6, doi: 10.5194/essd-6-353-2014, 353-366.
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_height_water String -0.53 m
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 last_ASVCO2_validation String 2021-08-20T14:00:00Z
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String xCO2 Dry Seawater Mean ASVCO2
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String micromol mol-1
attribute XCO2_DRY_SW_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
variable XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2   double  
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 _FillValue double NaN
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 actual_range double 496.87, 529.61
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 ancillary_variable String INSTRUMENT_STATE
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 comment String Calculated per Sutton, A.J., Sabine, C.L., Maenner-Jones, S., Lawrence-Slavas, N., Meinig, C., Feely, R.A., Mathis, J.T., Musielewicz, S., Bott, R., McLain, P.D., Fought, J., Kozyr, A., 2014b. A high-frequency atmospheric and seawater pCO2 data set from 14 open ocean sites using a moored autonomous system. Earth Sys. Sci. Data, 6, doi: 10.5194/essd-6-353-2014, 353-366.
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 installed_height_air String 0.60 m
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 last_ASVCO2_validation String 2021-08-20T14:00:00Z
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 long_name String xCO2 Dry Air Mean ASVCO2
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 sampling_frequency String 2 Hz
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 units String micromol mol-1
attribute XCO2_DRY_AIR_MEAN_ASVCO2 vendor_name String LI-COR
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.8817836, 0.8820959
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Zero Calibration Coefficient, CO2kzero
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_ZERO_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.70804075, 0.7104189
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_span_serialnumber String ASVCO2_Span_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Span Calibration Coefficient CO2kspan, Span Offset
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 model_name String LI-830
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SPAN_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 actual_range double 0.126786463, 0.126786463
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_concentration String 1994.25 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 ASVCO2_secondaryspan_serialnumber String ASVCO2_SecondarySpan_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 device_name String LI-COR Gas Analyzer (CGA-5377)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 firmware String 1.0.4
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 installed_date String 2021-12-01T23:18:50.109398Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 last_secondaryspan_temperaturedependantslope String 2021-07-24T00:00:00Z
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 long_name String CO2 Detector Secondary Span Calibration Coefficient, CO2kspan2, Span Slope
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 missing_value double NaN
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 nominal_sampling_schedule String 30s on, 3570s off
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_calibrated_rh String 3.10 percent
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_calibrated_spanconcentration String 506.16 micromol mol-1
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_calibrated_spanserialnumber String SSCS_SN_XXXX
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_calibrated_temperature String 22.068 degrees_c
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_temperaturedependantslope String -0.00271295 degrees_c-1
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 secondaryspan_temperaturedependantslopefit String 0.992 R^2
attribute CO2DETECTOR_SECONDARY_COEFFICIENT_ASVCO2 serial_number String CGA-5377
variable WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD   double  
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD _FillValue double NaN
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD actual_range double 42.67, 64.0
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD device_name String VectorNav Hull IMU (100041616)
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD firmware String
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD installed_date String 2021-12-01T00:33:59.665272Z
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD installed_height double 0.34
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD long_name String Dominant wave period
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD missing_value double NaN
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD model_name String VN-300
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD serial_number String 100041616
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD standard_name String sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD units String s
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD update_period double 50.0
attribute WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD vendor_name String VectorNav
variable WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT   double  
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT _FillValue double NaN
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT actual_range double 0.041, 2.037
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT device_name String VectorNav Hull IMU (100041616)
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT firmware String
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT installed_date String 2021-12-01T00:33:59.665272Z
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT installed_height double 0.34
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT long_name String Significant wave height
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT missing_value double NaN
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT model_name String VN-300
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT model_product_page String (external link)
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT nominal_sampling_schedule String Always on
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT serial_number String 100041616
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT standard_name String sea_surface_wave_significant_height
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT units String m
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT update_period double 50.0
attribute WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT vendor_name String VectorNav
variable TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN   double  
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN device_name String RBR Coda^3 T Temperature Logger
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN long_name String Seawater temperature at depth of 0.5m
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN model_name String Coda^3 T
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_MEAN vendor_name String RBR
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV device_name String RBR Coda^3 T Temperature Logger
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV long_name String Seawater temperature at depth of 0.5m SD
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV model_name String Coda^3 T
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_DEPTH_HALFMETER_STDDEV vendor_name String RBR
variable TEMP_SBE37_MEAN   double  
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN firmware String v6.0.3
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN long_name String Seawater temperature
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN serial_number String 20799
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_MEAN vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV   double  
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV firmware String v6.0.3
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV long_name String Seawater temperature SD
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV serial_number String 20799
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV units String degree_C
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable SAL_SBE37_MEAN   double  
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN firmware String v6.0.3
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN long_name String Seawater salinity
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN serial_number String 20799
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN units String 1
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute SAL_SBE37_MEAN vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable SAL_SBE37_STDDEV   double  
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV firmware String v6.0.3
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV long_name String Seawater salinity SD
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV serial_number String 20799
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV units String 1
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute SAL_SBE37_STDDEV vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable COND_SBE37_MEAN   double  
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 30.0
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN firmware String v6.0.3
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN long_name String Seawater conductivity
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN serial_number String 20799
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN units String mS cm-1
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute COND_SBE37_MEAN vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable COND_SBE37_STDDEV   double  
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV firmware String v6.0.3
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV long_name String Seawater conductivity SD
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV serial_number String 20799
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV units String mS cm-1
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute COND_SBE37_STDDEV vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN   double  
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 500.0
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN firmware String v6.0.3
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN long_name String Oxygen concentration
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN serial_number String 20799
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN standard_name String mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN units String micromol L-1
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV   double  
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV firmware String v6.0.3
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV long_name String Oxygen concentration SD
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV serial_number String 20799
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV units String micromol L-1
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN   double  
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN firmware String v6.0.3
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN long_name String Oxygen saturation
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN serial_number String 20799
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN standard_name String fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN units String percent
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV   double  
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV device_name String Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20799)
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV firmware String v6.0.3
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:50.750323Z
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-10-01
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV long_name String Oxygen saturation SD
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV model_name String SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV serial_number String 20799
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV units String percent
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV vendor_name String Sea-Bird Scientific
variable CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN   double  
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN _FillValue double NaN
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN colorBarMinimum double 0.03
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN colorBarScale String Log
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN device_name String WET Labs Fluorometer (5778)
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN firmware String FL 4.06
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:57.495710Z
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN installed_height double -0.5
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN last_calibrated String 2021-07-21
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN long_name String Chlorophyll concentration
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN missing_value double NaN
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN model_name String FLS
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN serial_number String 5778
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN standard_name String mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN units String microgram L-1
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN update_period double 1000.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN vendor_name String WET Labs
variable CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV   double  
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV _FillValue double NaN
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV colorBarMaximum double 0.1
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV device_name String WET Labs Fluorometer (5778)
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV firmware String FL 4.06
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV installed_date String 2021-12-01T22:47:57.495710Z
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV installed_height double -0.5
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV last_calibrated String 2021-07-21
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV long_name String Chlorophyll concentration SD
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV missing_value double NaN
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV model_name String FLS
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV model_product_page String (external link)
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV nominal_sampling_schedule String 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV serial_number String 5778
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV units String microgram L-1
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV update_period double 1000.0
attribute CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV vendor_name String WET Labs

The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.

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