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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String If you use these data in publications of presentations, please acknowledge the OCS Project Office of NOAA/PMEL. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of publications utilizing the data for inclusion in our bibliography. Relevant publications should be sent to: OCS Project Office, NOAA/PMEL/OCRD, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 or emailed to:
attribute NC_GLOBAL area String Western Pacific Kuroshio Extension
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String site_code, latitude, longitude, id
attribute NC_GLOBAL citation String These data were collected and made freely available by the OceanSITES project and the Ocean Climate Stations (OCS) Project Office of NOAA/PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Based on deep CTD casts and years of data at KEO, it is known that the conductivity measurement drifts with time at depth, meaning initial measurements are most accurate. Salinity drift is observed on the order of -0.05 PSU/year. Since the post-calibration coefficients applied to the raw instrument frequencies fail to correct this drift, only the data with pre-calibration coefficients applied is distributed here (the conductivity cell recovers upon ascent). OCS continues to follow up with Seabird about improving these deep measurements.
attribute NC_GLOBAL contact String OCS Data Manager:
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String OceanSITES Manual 1.3, CF-1.10, COARDS, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String ocs at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String OCS
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_assembly_center String PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_mode String D
attribute NC_GLOBAL Data_Source String OCS Project Office/NOAA/PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_type String OceanSITES time-series data
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2020-03-17T09:17:13Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2020-03-17T09:17:13Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 144.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL format_version String 1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 32.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 32.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 144.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 144.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 5704.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 5627.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2020-03-17T09:17:13Z data updated at PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String NOAA/PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution_references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String adjusted, CNDC, CNDC_QC, conductivity, data, dbar, DENS, DENS_QC, density, depth, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Pressure > Water Pressure, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Density, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, electrical, environmental, flag, hour, hourly, in-situ, its, its-90, keo, laboratory, latitude, longitude, marine, noaa, noaa/pacific, ocean, oceans, oceansites, pacific, pmel, potential, practical, PRES, PRES_QC, pressure, PSAL, PSAL_QC, quality, resolution, salinity, scale, science, sea, sea_water_electrical_conductivity, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_pressure, sea_water_sigma_theta, sea_water_temperature, seawater, sigma, sigma-theta, situ, station, TEMP, TEMP_QC, temperature, theta, time, water
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String These data are made freely available without restriction
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String OceanSITES
attribute NC_GLOBAL netcdf_version String 4.6.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL network String OCS
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 32.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_code String KEO
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator String Dr. Meghan F. Cronin
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_email String meghan.f.cronin at
attribute NC_GLOBAL principal_investigator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String Ranges applied, bad data flagged
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Ocean Climate Stations (OCS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String nathan.anderson at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Nathan Anderson
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL QC_indicator String excellent
attribute NC_GLOBAL qc_manual String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String, (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Moored surface buoy
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 32.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v70
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String site_code, latitude, longitude, depth, TEMP_QC, PRES_QC, CNDC_QC, DENS_QC, PSAL_QC, id
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String This file contains hourly resolution delayed-mode in-situ data from 1 of 3 deep SBE instruments on the OceanSITES Station KEO (nominally 32.3N, 144.6E) 2018 (KE016) deployment. KE016's deep SBE S/N 12243 was deployed at the top of the glass balls, approximately 90m above the sea floor.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2019-09-26T05:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2013-07-05T07:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String OceanSITES Station KEO Deep T/S Hourly Data
attribute NC_GLOBAL update_interval String void
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 144.6
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_platform_code String 2800401
variable site_code   String  
attribute site_code cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute site_code long_name String Site Code
variable id   String  
attribute id long_name String FileName ID
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.3730076E9, 1.569474E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time colorBarMaximum double 25500.0
attribute time colorBarMinimum double 25000.0
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time point_spacing String even
attribute time Processing_level String Ranges applied, bad data flagged
attribute time QC_indicator String Good data
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time valid_max double 25470.208333333372
attribute time valid_min double 25020.416666666628
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 32.3, 32.3
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Anchor Latitude
attribute latitude Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute latitude QC_indicator String nominal vlaue
attribute latitude references String WGS84
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max float 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min float -90.0
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float 144.6, 144.6
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Anchor Longitude
attribute longitude Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute longitude QC_indicator String nominal value
attribute longitude references String WGS84
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max float 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min float -180.0
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth actual_range float 5627.0, 5704.0
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 8000.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double -8000.0
attribute depth colorBarPalette String TopographyDepth
attribute depth coordinate_reference_frame String urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::5831
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String Depth of each measurement
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute depth QC_indicator String nominal value
attribute depth references String sea_level
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth Uncertainty String Approximate value
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_max float 5627.0
attribute depth valid_min float 5627.0
variable TEMP   float  
attribute TEMP _FillValue float NaN
attribute TEMP actual_range float 1.5679, 1.6001
attribute TEMP ancillary_variables String TEMP_QC
attribute TEMP colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute TEMP colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP long_name String sea water temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale
attribute TEMP Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute TEMP QC_indicator String Good data
attribute TEMP reference_scale String ITS-90
attribute TEMP sensor_mount String mounted_on_mooring_line
attribute TEMP sensor_name String SBE37S
attribute TEMP sensor_serial_number String 12243
attribute TEMP standard_name String sea_water_temperature
attribute TEMP units String degree_Celsius
attribute TEMP valid_max float 40.0
attribute TEMP valid_min float -2.0
variable TEMP_QC   byte  
attribute TEMP_QC _FillValue byte -128
attribute TEMP_QC actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute TEMP_QC colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute TEMP_QC colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute TEMP_QC conventions String OceanSITES reference table 2
attribute TEMP_QC flag_meanings String unknown good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data nominal_value interpolated_value missing_value
attribute TEMP_QC flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
attribute TEMP_QC long_name String quality flag
attribute TEMP_QC valid_max byte 9
attribute TEMP_QC valid_min byte 0
variable PRES   float  
attribute PRES _FillValue float NaN
attribute PRES actual_range float 5730.546, 5829.627
attribute PRES ancillary_variables String PRES_QC
attribute PRES colorBarMaximum double 5000.0
attribute PRES colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PRES long_name String sea water pressure
attribute PRES Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute PRES QC_indicator String Good data
attribute PRES sensor_mount String mounted_on_mooring_line
attribute PRES sensor_name String SBE37S
attribute PRES sensor_serial_number String 2153126
attribute PRES standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute PRES units String decibar
attribute PRES valid_max float 6000.0
attribute PRES valid_min float 0.0
variable PRES_QC   byte  
attribute PRES_QC _FillValue byte -128
attribute PRES_QC actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute PRES_QC colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute PRES_QC colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PRES_QC conventions String OceanSITES reference table 2
attribute PRES_QC flag_meanings String unknown good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data nominal_value interpolated_value missing_value
attribute PRES_QC flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
attribute PRES_QC long_name String quality flag
attribute PRES_QC valid_max byte 9
attribute PRES_QC valid_min byte 0
variable CNDC   float  
attribute CNDC _FillValue float NaN
attribute CNDC actual_range float 3.22976, 3.23712
attribute CNDC ancillary_variables String CNDC_QC
attribute CNDC colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute CNDC colorBarMinimum double 30.0
attribute CNDC long_name String sea water conductivity
attribute CNDC Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute CNDC QC_indicator String Good data
attribute CNDC sensor_mount String mounted_on_mooring_line
attribute CNDC sensor_name String SBE37S
attribute CNDC sensor_serial_number String 12243
attribute CNDC standard_name String sea_water_electrical_conductivity
attribute CNDC units String S/m
attribute CNDC valid_max float 7.0
attribute CNDC valid_min float 0.0
variable CNDC_QC   byte  
attribute CNDC_QC _FillValue byte -128
attribute CNDC_QC actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute CNDC_QC colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute CNDC_QC colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute CNDC_QC conventions String OceanSITES reference table 2
attribute CNDC_QC flag_meanings String unknown good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data nominal_value interpolated_value missing_value
attribute CNDC_QC flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
attribute CNDC_QC long_name String quality flag
attribute CNDC_QC valid_max byte 9
attribute CNDC_QC valid_min byte 0
variable DENS   float  
attribute DENS _FillValue float NaN
attribute DENS actual_range float 54.2814, 54.3326
attribute DENS ancillary_variables String DENS_QC
attribute DENS colorBarMaximum double 200.0
attribute DENS colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute DENS comment String Derived from measured conductivity, temperature, and pressure.
attribute DENS long_name String sigma-theta (potential density adjusted to 6000 dbar)
attribute DENS Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute DENS QC_indicator String Good data
attribute DENS sensor_mount String mounted_on_mooring_line
attribute DENS sensor_name String SBE37S
attribute DENS sensor_serial_number String 12243
attribute DENS standard_name String sea_water_sigma_theta
attribute DENS units String kg m-3
attribute DENS valid_max float 100.0
attribute DENS valid_min float 0.0
variable DENS_QC   byte  
attribute DENS_QC _FillValue byte -128
attribute DENS_QC actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute DENS_QC colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute DENS_QC colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute DENS_QC conventions String OceanSITES reference table 2
attribute DENS_QC flag_meanings String unknown good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data nominal_value interpolated_value missing_value
attribute DENS_QC flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
attribute DENS_QC long_name String quality flag
attribute DENS_QC valid_max byte 9
attribute DENS_QC valid_min byte 0
variable PSAL   float  
attribute PSAL _FillValue float NaN
attribute PSAL actual_range float 34.6265, 34.6911
attribute PSAL ancillary_variables String PSAL_QC
attribute PSAL colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute PSAL colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute PSAL comment String Derived from measured conductivity, temperature, and pressure.
attribute PSAL long_name String sea water salinity
attribute PSAL Processing_level String Data manually reviewed
attribute PSAL QC_indicator String Good data
attribute PSAL reference_scale String PSS-78
attribute PSAL sensor_mount String mounted_on_mooring_line
attribute PSAL sensor_name String SBE37S
attribute PSAL sensor_serial_number String 12243
attribute PSAL standard_name String sea_water_practical_salinity
attribute PSAL units String 1
attribute PSAL valid_max float 45.0
attribute PSAL valid_min float 25.0
variable PSAL_QC   byte  
attribute PSAL_QC _FillValue byte -128
attribute PSAL_QC actual_range byte 1, 4
attribute PSAL_QC colorBarMaximum double 10.0
attribute PSAL_QC colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute PSAL_QC conventions String OceanSITES reference table 2
attribute PSAL_QC flag_meanings String unknown good_data probably_good_data bad_data_that_are_potentially_correctable bad_data nominal_value interpolated_value missing_value
attribute PSAL_QC flag_values byte 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
attribute PSAL_QC long_name String quality flag
attribute PSAL_QC valid_max byte 9
attribute PSAL_QC valid_min byte 0

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