Easy Access to PMEL Scientific Data
The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's ERDDAP data server for public access to scientific data |
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | NOAA PMEL TPOS 2021 Saildrone 1066 | F I M | background | NOAA PMEL | sd1066_tpos_2021 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | acknowledgement | String | If you use these Saildrone Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) mission data in publications or presentations, please acknowledge the Ocean Climate Station (OCS) Project Office of NOAA/PMEL. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of publications utilizing the data for inclusion in our bibliography. Relevant publications should be sent to: OCS Project Office at NOAA/PMEL/OCRD, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115 or emailed to: pmel.ocs@noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | area | String | Pacific Ocean |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_trajectory_variables | String | trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | citation | String | Please cite Zhang et al. (2019) when using this dataset. Zhang, D., M.F. Cronin, C. Meinig, J.T. Farrar, R. Jenkins, D. Peacock, J. Keene, A. Sutton, and Q. Yang. 2019. Comparing air-sea flux measurements from a new unmanned surface vehicle and proven platforms during the SPURS-2 field campaign. Oceanography 32(2):122-133, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.220. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | CF-1.10, ACDD-1.3, COARDS |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | support@saildrone.com, oar.pmel.data@noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_institution | String | Saildrone Inc. and PMEL |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Saildrone and PMEL |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | saildrone.com, pmel.noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_mode | String | realtime |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | date_created | String | 2022-05-29T22:30:17.290243Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | description | String | Saildrone NetCDF Format |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | drone_id | String | 1066 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -109.7926016 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | Trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | funding_source | String | NOAA/OAR/GOMO, NOAA/OMAO, NOAA/NOPP |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 37.815424 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 1.1385325 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -109.7926016 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -134.8763904 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | id | String | 197810 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | saildrone.com, pmel.noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | NOAA PMEL |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | interval | String | 60 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | acoustic, active, adcp, air, air_pressure, air_temperature, angle, atmosphere, atmosphere/ocean, atmospheric, BARO_PRES_MEAN, BARO_PRES_STDDEV, barometric, biosphere, buoy, center, centers, central, chemistry, CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN, CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV, chlorophyll, COG, COG_FILTERED_MEAN, COG_FILTERED_STDDEV, concentration, COND_SBE37_MEAN, COND_SBE37_STDDEV, conductivity, control, convergence, course, ctd, current, currents, data, density, depth, diffuse, diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, direction, dissolved, dominant, doppler, downward, downward_air_velocity, downwelling, drone, earth, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Longwave Radiation, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Shortwave Radiation, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Oxygen, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Water Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Significant Wave Height, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Period, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Waves > Wave Spectra, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Conductivity, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, eastward, eastward_wind, electrical, enso, environmental, fluorescence, flux, fractional, fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water, ground, gust, GUST_WND_MEAN, GUST_WND_STDDEV, HDG, HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, HDG_WING, heading, height, humidity, intertropical, irradiance, itcz, laboratory, latitude, level, longitude, longwave, LW_IRRAD_MEAN, LW_IRRAD_STDDEV, marine, mass, mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water, max, maximum, mean, measurement, measurements, min, minute, mole, mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water, molecular, national, ncep, ndbc, nino, noaa, nopp, northward, northward_wind, O2, O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN, O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV, O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN, O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV, ocean, oceans, one, oscillation, over, oxygen, pacific, PAR_AIR_MEAN, PAR_AIR_STDDEV, partnership, peak, period, photon, photosynthetic, photosynthetically, pitch, PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, platform, platform_course, platform_pitch_angle, platform_roll_angle, platform_speed_wrt_ground, platform_yaw_angle, pmel, practical, prediction, pressure, profiler, program, quality, radiation, relative, relative_humidity, RH_ADJUSTED, RH_MEAN, RH_STDDEV, roll, ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, saildrone, SAL_SBE37_MEAN, SAL_SBE37_STDDEV, salinity, saturation, science, sea, sea_surface_skin_temperature, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_water_electrical_conductivity, sea_water_practical_salinity, sea_water_temperature, seawater, seconds, shortwave, significant, skin, SOG, SOG_FILTERED_MAX, SOG_FILTERED_MEAN, SOG_FILTERED_MIN, SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV, solar, sonde, southern, spectra, spectral, speed, sst, static, stddev, surface, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN, SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV, SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN, SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV, tao, TEMP_AIR_MEAN, TEMP_AIR_STDDEV, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN, TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV, TEMP_SBE37_MEAN, TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV, temperature, time, total, tpos, trajectory, trajectory/drone, tropical, uncrewed, usv, UWND_MEAN, UWND_STDDEV, vapor, variance, vegetation, vehicle, velocity, VWND_MEAN, VWND_STDDEV, water, wave, WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD, WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT, waves, wind, wind_from_direction, WIND_FROM_MEAN, WIND_FROM_STDDEV, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN, WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV, wind_speed, WIND_SPEED_MEAN, wind_speed_of_gust, WIND_SPEED_STDDEV, winds, wing, WING_ANGLE, WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK, WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV, wrt, WWND_MEAN, WWND_STDDEV, yaw, zone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | These data were produced by NOAA and are not subject to copyright protection in the United States. NOAA waives any potential copyright and related rights in these data worldwide through the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0-1.0). |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | com.saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | netcdf_version | String | 4.6.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | nodc_template_version | String | NODC_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 37.815424 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform | String | Saildrone |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | principal_investigator | String | Dr. Meghan Cronin; Dr. Dongxiao Zhang; Dr. Samantha Wills; Dr. Adrienne Sutton; Christian Meinig; Eugene Burger; Dr. Yolande Serra; Dr. Avichal Mehra; Karen Grissom; Dr. Eric Lindstrom |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | principal_investigator_email | String | meghan.f.cronin@noaa.gov; dongxiao.zhang@noaa.gov; samantha.m.wills@noaa.gov; adrienne.sutton@noaa.gov; christian.meinig@noaa.gov; eugene.burger@noaa.gov; yserra@uw.edu; avichal.mehra@noaa.gov; karen.grissom@noaa.gov; |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | principal_investigator_institution | String | NOAA PMEL |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | principal_investigator_url | String | https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/cronin; https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/dr-dongxiao-zhang; https://cpo.noaa.gov/staff/samantha-wills/; https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/story/Adrienne+J.+Sutton%2C+Ph.D.; https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/scientist/christian-meinig; https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/eugene-f-burger; https://cicoes.uw.edu/research/principal-investigators/yolande-l-serra/; https://oceanpredict.org/teams/science-team/avichal-mehra/; https://www.oceanexpert.net/expert/karengrissom |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | TPOS_2021 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | oar.pmel.data at noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | NOAA PMEL |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_url | String | pmel.noaa.gov |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | QC_manual | String | No QC performed |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | NOAA Saildrone Missions |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 1.1385325 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v58 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | trajectory |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | This file contains data from the Saildrone Inc. Uncrewed Surface Vehicle (USV), aka "saildrone", core MetOcean sensors for the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) TPOS 2021 Mission (Mission 4) to the eastern tropical Pacific hurricane genesis region near 10N - 15N, 110W, the near-equatorial Cold Tongue region between 110W - 125W, and the region south of the equator where an Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) sometimes forms. These data have not been Quality Control (QC)'d. This mission was funded in part by NOAA/OMAO and NOAA/National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP) as a demonstration project to test saildrone as a research and operational platform for the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS). The PIs were Dr. Meghan Cronin (NOAA/PMEL), Dr. Dongxiao Zhang, and Dr. Samantha Wills (UW Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies (UW/CICOES), Dr. Adrienne Sutton, Mr. Christian Meinig, and Eugene Burger (all NOAA/PMEL), Dr. Yolande Serra (UW/CICOES), Dr. Avichal Mehra (NOAA/NCEP/EMC), Karen Grissom (NOAA/National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)), and Dr. Eric Lindstrom (Saildrone, Inc). Dr. Meghan Cronin was the lead PI for the project. Drs. Samantha Wills and Dongxiao Zhang acted as Mission Managers during this mission. Mr. Nathan Anderson (UW/CICOES) contributed to the metadata creation. The PMEL TPOS 2021 Mission (aka Mission 4) had two Saildrones: SD1065 and SD1066. Both were standard Gen 6 Explorer drones, with an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) at 1.86m (not included in this file) and the core MetOcean package. The core CTD was an SBE 37-SMP at 1.54m, with an auxiliary SBE prawler at 0.62m and 3x SBE56 T sensors at 0.33m, 0.5m, and 1.03m. Both SD1065 and SD1066 had an ASVCO2 carbon flux and pH system, an SPN1 shielded shortwave radiometer, and an Eppley longwave radiometer. Carbon system data (including its prawler Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data) are served through a separate file. The vehicles for the 2021 mission were deployed out of San Francisco Bay, CA on 23 July 2021, transiting to the eastern tropical Pacific, where they spent 160 days collecting data. The drones encountered rough seas associated with Tropical Depression Marty, forcing them into "storm mode" for several days before entering the hurricane genesis study region. The drones then proceeded south along the 110W Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean (TAO) mooring line, completing two intercomparisons at the 8N, 110W and 5N, 110W TAO buoys. The drones also sampled the strong meridional Sea Surface Temperature (SST) front separating the warm waters of the northern hemisphere ITCZ from the cold waters of the equatorial Cold Tongue. The drones became separated en route to the equatorial study region due to strong easterly ocean currents, with SD1065 eventually crossing the Equator to survey the southern hemisphere "double" ITCZ regime. The mission ended in the field on 17 February, 2022, with SD1065 positioned near 8S, 117W and SD1066 positioned near 1N, 130W |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | testOutOfDate | String | now-2hours |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_duration | String | PT1H59M59S |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2022-09-18T23:59:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_resolution | String | PT1M |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2021-07-21T00:00:00Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_in | String | seconds |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | NOAA PMEL TPOS 2021 Saildrone 1066 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -134.8763904 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | wmo_id | String | 5801956 |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.6268256E9, 1.66354554E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | calendar | String | gregorian |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | time in seconds |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 1.1385325, 37.815424 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100041583) |
attribute | latitude | installed_date | String | 2021-07-21T02:56:40.523831Z |
attribute | latitude | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | latitude | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | latitude | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | latitude | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | latitude | serial_number | String | 100041583 |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | latitude | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -134.8763904, -109.7926016 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100041583) |
attribute | longitude | installed_date | String | 2021-07-21T02:56:40.523831Z |
attribute | longitude | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | longitude | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | longitude | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | longitude | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | longitude | serial_number | String | 100041583 |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | longitude | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | trajectory | String | ||
attribute | trajectory | cf_role | String | trajectory_id |
attribute | trajectory | comment | String | A trajectory is a single deployment of a drone |
attribute | trajectory | long_name | String | Trajectory/Drone ID |
variable | SOG | double | ||
attribute | SOG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG | actual_range | double | 0.001, 5.751 |
attribute | SOG | colorBarMaximum | double | 6.0 |
attribute | SOG | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SOG | long_name | String | Speed over ground |
attribute | SOG | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 5.27 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 6.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute mean |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.835 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute stddev |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | actual_range | double | 0.0, 5.86 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | colorBarMaximum | double | 6.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute max |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MAX | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | double | ||
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 4.993 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | colorBarMaximum | double | 6.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | long_name | String | Speed over ground one minute min |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | standard_name | String | platform_speed_wrt_ground |
attribute | SOG_FILTERED_MIN | units | String | m s-1 |
variable | COG | double | ||
attribute | COG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000233 |
attribute | COG | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | COG | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | COG | long_name | String | Course over ground |
attribute | COG | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COG | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG | units | String | degree |
variable | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Course over ground one minute mean |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1178.8 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Course over ground one minute stddev |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_course |
attribute | COG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG | double | ||
attribute | HDG | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000001 |
attribute | HDG | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | HDG | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | HDG | long_name | String | Vehicle heading |
attribute | HDG | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 360.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle heading one minute mean |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 60.3 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle heading one minute stddev |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_yaw_angle |
attribute | HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -22.7, 16.8 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 20.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -30.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute mean |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 14.5 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute stddev |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -48.5, 44.1 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMaximum | double | 60.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMinimum | double | -60.0 |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Vehicle roll one minute peak |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | standard_name | String | platform_roll_angle |
attribute | ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -1.0, 2.1 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 3.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -2.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute mean |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 5.8 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute stddev |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -20.4, 21.5 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMinimum | double | -30.0 |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Vehicle pitch one minute peak |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | standard_name | String | platform_pitch_angle |
attribute | PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | HDG_WING | double | ||
attribute | HDG_WING | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_WING | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9000000000001 |
attribute | HDG_WING | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | HDG_WING | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | HDG_WING | long_name | String | Wing heading |
attribute | HDG_WING | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | HDG_WING | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 400.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing heading one minute mean |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 58.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing heading one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -22.5, 15.3 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 20.0 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -30.0 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute mean |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 13.7 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Wing roll one minute peak |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | actual_range | double | -13.0, 10.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 15.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -15.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute mean |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 14.3 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute stddev |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | double | ||
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | actual_range | double | -36.2, 44.5 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMaximum | double | 60.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | colorBarMinimum | double | -40.0 |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | long_name | String | Wing pitch one minute peak |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_PITCH_FILTERED_PEAK | units | String | degree |
variable | WING_ANGLE | double | ||
attribute | WING_ANGLE | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | actual_range | double | -180.0, 179.4000000000001 |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | colorBarMaximum | double | 200.0 |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | colorBarMinimum | double | -200.0 |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | long_name | String | Wing angle |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WING_ANGLE | units | String | degree |
variable | UWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | UWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -13.57, 13.33 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 15.0 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -15.0 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Eastward wind speed |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | eastward_wind |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | UWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | UWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.29 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Eastward wind speed SD |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | UWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | VWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | VWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -12.35, 14.01 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 15.0 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -15.0 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Northward wind speed |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | northward_wind |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | VWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | VWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.56 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Northward wind speed SD |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | VWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WWND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WWND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | actual_range | double | -1.12, 0.68 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 1.0 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -1.5 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | long_name | String | Downward wind speed |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | standard_name | String | downward_air_velocity |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WWND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WWND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.26 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Downward wind speed SD |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WWND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | GUST_WND_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.02, 18.15 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind gust speed |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | standard_name | String | wind_speed_of_gust |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | GUST_WND_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.32 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind gust speed SD |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | GUST_WND_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | actual_range | double | 4.507, 5.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.1000000000000005 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 4.5 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind measurement height |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | units | String | m |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 0.29 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind measurement height SD |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | units | String | m |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_MEASUREMENT_HEIGHT_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 11.42, 29.37 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 40.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -10.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208871) |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | firmware | String | V1.2-1 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:08.352253Z |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-29 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | long_name | String | Air temperature |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 0020208871 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | standard_name | String | air_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.01, 0.81 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208871) |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | firmware | String | V1.2-1 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:08.352253Z |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-29 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Air temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 0020208871 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_AIR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | RH_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | RH_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_MEAN | actual_range | double | 47.78, 100.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 100.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208871) |
attribute | RH_MEAN | firmware | String | V1.2-1 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:08.352253Z |
attribute | RH_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-29 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | long_name | String | Relative humidity |
attribute | RH_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_MEAN | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | serial_number | String | 0020208871 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | standard_name | String | relative_humidity |
attribute | RH_MEAN | units | String | percent |
attribute | RH_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | RH_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | RH_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | RH_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3.6 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.0 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208871) |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | firmware | String | V1.2-1 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:08.352253Z |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-29 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | long_name | String | Relative humidity SD |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 0020208871 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | units | String | percent |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | RH_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
variable | BARO_PRES_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | actual_range | double | 1007.39, 1026.4 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 1050.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 950.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | device_name | String | Vaisala Barometer (2640355) |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | firmware | String | 2.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-03T21:23:13.381177Z |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | installed_height | double | 0.2 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-07-02 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | long_name | String | Air pressure |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | model_name | String | PTB210 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://www.vaisala.com/en/products/pressure/Pages/PTB210.aspx |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | serial_number | String | 2640355 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | standard_name | String | air_pressure |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | units | String | hPa |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Vaisala |
variable | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.01, 4.4 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | device_name | String | Vaisala Barometer (2640355) |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-03T21:23:13.381177Z |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 0.2 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-07-02 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | long_name | String | Air pressure SD |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | model_name | String | PTB210 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://www.vaisala.com/en/products/pressure/Pages/PTB210.aspx |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 2640355 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | units | String | hPa |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | BARO_PRES_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Vaisala |
variable | PAR_AIR_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3225.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 500.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -500.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | device_name | String | LI-COR PAR (9603) |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:52:23.495561Z |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.6 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-01-25 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | long_name | String | Photosynthetically active radiation in air |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | model_name | String | LI-192SA |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | model_product_page | String | https://www.licor.com/env/products/light/quantum_underwater.html |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | serial_number | String | 9603 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | standard_name | String | surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | units | String | micromol s-1 m-2 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_MEAN | vendor_name | String | LI-COR |
variable | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 905.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | device_name | String | LI-COR PAR (9603) |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:52:23.495561Z |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.6 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-01-25 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | long_name | String | Photosynthetically active radiation in air SD |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | model_name | String | LI-192SA |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | https://www.licor.com/env/products/light/quantum_underwater.html |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 9603 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | units | String | micromol s-1 m-2 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | PAR_AIR_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | LI-COR |
variable | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | actual_range | double | 298.2, 507.6 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 500.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -500.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | device_name | String | Eppley Radiometer (38444F3) |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-04T18:49:55.445879Z |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | installed_height | double | 0.8 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | long_name | String | Longwave downwelling radiation |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | model_name | String | PIR |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | serial_number | String | 38444F3 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | standard_name | String | surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Eppley |
variable | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 45.2 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | device_name | String | Eppley Radiometer (38444F3) |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-04T18:49:55.445879Z |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 0.8 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | long_name | String | Longwave downwelling radiation SD |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | model_name | String | PIR |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 38444F3 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | LW_IRRAD_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Eppley |
variable | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1426.5 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 500.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -500.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | device_name | String | Delta-T Shaded Radiometer (A2292) |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:53:51.624866Z |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.8 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | long_name | String | Shortwave total radiation |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | model_name | String | SPN1-shaded |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | serial_number | String | A2292 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | standard_name | String | surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | update_period | double | 100.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Delta-T |
variable | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 407.8 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | device_name | String | Delta-T Shaded Radiometer (A2292) |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:53:51.624866Z |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.8 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | long_name | String | Shortwave total radiation SD |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | model_name | String | SPN1-shaded |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | serial_number | String | A2292 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | update_period | double | 100.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_TOTAL_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Delta-T |
variable | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 749.5 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 10.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | -10.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | device_name | String | Delta-T Shaded Radiometer (A2292) |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:53:51.624866Z |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.8 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | long_name | String | Shortwave diffuse radiation |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | model_name | String | SPN1-shaded |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | serial_number | String | A2292 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | standard_name | String | diffuse_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | update_period | double | 100.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Delta-T |
variable | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 131.6 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | device_name | String | Delta-T Shaded Radiometer (A2292) |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:53:51.624866Z |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.8 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | long_name | String | Shortwave diffuse radiation SD |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | model_name | String | SPN1-shaded |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | serial_number | String | A2292 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | units | String | W m-2 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | update_period | double | 100.0 |
attribute | SW_IRRAD_DIFFUSE_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Delta-T |
variable | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | actual_range | double | 12.26, 47.51 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | device_name | String | Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12696) |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | firmware | String | 5.07 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:00.919457Z |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | installed_height | double | 2.25 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-05-29 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | long_name | String | Wing Sea IR Temperature |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | model_name | String | CT15.10 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | serial_number | String | 12696 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_surface_skin_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Heitronics |
variable | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 50.74 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | device_name | String | Heitronics Wing IR Pyrometer (12696) |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | firmware | String | 5.07 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:00.919457Z |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 2.25 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-05-29 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wing Sea IR Temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | model_name | String | CT15.10 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 30s on, 270s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 12696 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_IR_SEA_WING_UNCOMP_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Heitronics |
variable | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | double | ||
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | actual_range | double | 4.27, 128.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100041583) |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | firmware | String | |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | installed_date | String | 2021-07-21T02:56:40.523831Z |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | long_name | String | Dominant wave period |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | serial_number | String | 100041583 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | units | String | s |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WAVE_DOMINANT_PERIOD | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | double | ||
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | actual_range | double | 0.044, 4.044 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | colorBarMaximum | double | 10.0 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | device_name | String | VectorNav Hull IMU (100041583) |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | firmware | String | |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | installed_date | String | 2021-07-21T02:56:40.523831Z |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | installed_height | double | 0.34 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | long_name | String | Significant wave height |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | model_name | String | VN-300 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | model_product_page | String | https://www.vectornav.com/products/vn-300 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | Always on |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | serial_number | String | 100041583 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | standard_name | String | sea_surface_wave_significant_height |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | units | String | m |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WAVE_SIGNIFICANT_HEIGHT | vendor_name | String | VectorNav |
variable | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | -2100.4714, 214748.3647 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater temperature |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 85893.8932 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater temperature SD |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | degree_C |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | TEMP_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 214748.3647 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 37.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 32.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater salinity |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 107341.9709 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater salinity SD |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | 1 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | SAL_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | COND_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 21474.83647 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 40.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 10712.41824 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Seawater conductivity SD |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | mS cm-1 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | COND_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 20990.2 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 500.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 5649.49 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen concentration SD |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | micromol L-1 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_CONC_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 2.147483647E7 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 100.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | standard_name | String | fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 1.073740228E7 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 5.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | device_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific Conductivity/Temp/ODO (20845) |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | firmware | String | v6.0.3 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-04-08T22:49:14.833003Z |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2020-12-09 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | long_name | String | Oxygen saturation SD |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | model_name | String | SBE37-SMP-ODO Microcat |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 588s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 20845 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | units | String | percent |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | O2_SAT_SBE37_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Sea-Bird Scientific |
variable | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 115.6 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 30.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.03 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | device_name | String | WET Labs Fluorometer (5598) |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | firmware | String | FL 4.06 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T16:50:22.972005Z |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2021-04-01 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | model_name | String | FLS |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://www.seabird.com/eco-fl |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | serial_number | String | 5598 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_MEAN | vendor_name | String | WET Labs |
variable | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | actual_range | double | 0.0, 47.18 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | device_name | String | WET Labs Fluorometer (5598) |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | firmware | String | FL 4.06 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T16:50:22.972005Z |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | installed_height | double | -0.5 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2021-04-01 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | long_name | String | Chlorophyll concentration SD |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | model_name | String | FLS |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://www.seabird.com/eco-fl |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 12s on, 48s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | serial_number | String | 5598 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | units | String | microgram L-1 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | CHLOR_WETLABS_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | WET Labs |
variable | WIND_FROM_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.0, 359.9 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 360.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind from |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | standard_name | String | wind_from_direction |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | units | String | degree |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind from SD |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | units | String | degree |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_FROM_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | double | ||
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | actual_range | double | 0.01, 15.89 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | colorBarMaximum | double | 15.0 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | long_name | String | Wind speed |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | standard_name | String | wind_speed |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_MEAN | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | double | ||
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | colorBarMaximum | double | 0.1 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | device_name | String | Gill Anemometer (W183419) |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | firmware | String | 2329-701-01 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T22:21:09.951603Z |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | installed_height | double | 5.2 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | last_calibrated | String | 2018-08-31 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | long_name | String | Wind speed SD |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | model_name | String | 1590-PK-020 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | model_product_page | String | http://gillinstruments.com/products/anemometer/windmaster.htm |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | serial_number | String | W183419 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | units | String | m s-1 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | update_period | double | 50.0 |
attribute | WIND_SPEED_STDDEV | vendor_name | String | Gill |
variable | RH_ADJUSTED | double | ||
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | _FillValue | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | actual_range | double | 52.28, 100.0 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | colorBarMaximum | double | 100.0 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | comment | String | These data are equivalent to RH_MEAN, except for an adjustment of +4.5%, stemming from a comparison against the 5N110W mooring, and a cap of 100% on the adjusted data. |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | device_name | String | Rotronic AT/RH (0020208871) |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | installed_date | String | 2021-06-11T21:49:08.352253Z |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | installed_height | double | 2.3 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | last_calibrated | String | 2017-09-29 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | long_name | String | Relative humidity |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | missing_value | double | NaN |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | model_name | String | HC2-S3 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | nominal_sampling_schedule | String | 60s on, 240s off, centered at :00 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | serial_number | String | 0020208871 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | standard_name | String | relative_humidity |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | units | String | percent |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | update_period | double | 1000.0 |
attribute | RH_ADJUSTED | vendor_name | String | Rotronic |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.