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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String Station
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String The goal of this study is to document changes over time in ion and trace element aerosol concentrations at the Barrow Long Term Measurement Station. The measurements began in 1997. Funding for this project has come from NOAA, DOE, and beginning in 2002, NSF.

Sample Collection:
Submicron samples are collected on a 24-96 hour basis depending on season and aerosol loading. Supermicron samples are collected for 7 to 28 day periods, also depending on the season. The sample air volume minimum for analysis is 2.2 m^3.

The submicron - supermicron split is made with a Berner-type cascade impactor having a D50, aero of 1.0 um at the RH of the sample stream. Hence, the submicron data are for particle sizes < 1.0 um and supermicron data are for particle sizes > 1.0 um and < 10 um. The RH of the sampled aerosol is < 40%.

Ion Analysis:
All samples have been analyzed by ion chromatography for MSA-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, SO4-2, oxalate, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca+2. Submicron samples are analyzed for total mass by gravimetric analysis at 55 +/- 5% RH. All ion and mass concentrations are given in ug/m3 at STP. More details of the sampling and IC and gravimetric analysis methods can be found in Quinn et al., J. Geophys. Res., 105, 6785 - 6805, 2000.

We define the limit of detection at the 95% (2-sigma) confidence level for ion chromatography to be consistent with the historical record at the Barrow Observatory. The final concentration has been adjusted by subtracting out the average annual blank value for each ion. Ion chromatography uncertainty was determined by triplicate analysis of a random sample. Annually averaged blanks, limit of detection (LOD: blank+2-sigma), and repetitive analysis uncertainty (1-sigma) are in ug/m3. The LOD for years prior to 2015 is based on the values presented in Quinn et al., J. Geophys. Res., 105, 6785 - 6805, 2000. After 2015, the blank and LOD values are calculated using the actual values collected during the year.

Trace Element Analysis:
Winter/Spring Barrow submicron samples were also analyzed by Xray fluorescence (XRF) for Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br, Sr, and Pb. Element concentrations are given in ug/m3 at STP. Uncertainty (1-sigma) for the XRF data is derived from four different effects (calibration, counting statistics, peak overlap correction, and absorption). It is listed for each sample in the file in ug/m3. The detection limit for XRF data is 3-sigma, in ug/m3. The final concentration has been adjusted to subtract out the average blank value for each element. The XRF filter area is 11.3 cm2. More details of the XRF analysis can be found in Buck, N.J., P.M. Barrett, P.L. Morton, W.M. Landing, and J.A. Resing, Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence methodology and analysis of suspended particulate matter in seawater for trace element compositions and an intercomparison with high-resolution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods, 19(6), 401-415, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10433, 2021.

Dataset Descriptors:
There are separate files for submicron and supermicron data.
The column names indicate the instrument used (IC or XRF), the element or ion measured, the size cut, and the measured concentration or blank concentration or uncertainty of the analysis.
Where values are absent, the following flags indicate:
1) V- missing volume or volume below 2.2 m^3,
2) BDL - below the detection limit listed,
3) M- missing/not analyzed.

The long term dataset began in 1997. The full data set can be accessed at:
In the above ERDDAP server the Aerosol Chemistry Station Data have the following "Titles",
Long-term Air Chemistry Monitoring Experiment-Submicron
Long-term Air Chemistry Monitoring Experiment-Supermicron
attribute NC_GLOBAL contact String patricia.k.quinn at
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, NCCSV-1.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String patricia.k.quinn at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Patricia K Quinn
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -156.611
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 71.323
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 71.323
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -156.611
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -156.6114
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String NOAA PMEL Atmospheric Chemistry
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String 1-sigma, 1.1um, acid, air, ammonia, ammonium, annual, atmospheric, average, blank, chemistry, concentration, data, datetime, day, detection, dissolved, dissolved nutrients, earth, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Ammonia, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Nitrate, environmental, experiment, experiment-supermicron, filter, Filter_ID, flag, IC_Br_super1_blank, IC_Br_super1_conc, IC_Br_super1_flag, IC_Br_super1_LOD, IC_Br_super1_unc, IC_Ca_super1_blank, IC_Ca_super1_conc, IC_Ca_super1_flag, IC_Ca_super1_LOD, IC_Ca_super1_unc, IC_Cl_super1_blank, IC_Cl_super1_conc, IC_Cl_super1_flag, IC_Cl_super1_LOD, IC_Cl_super1_unc, IC_K_super1_blank, IC_K_super1_conc, IC_K_super1_flag, IC_K_super1_LOD, IC_K_super1_unc, IC_Mg_super1_blank, IC_Mg_super1_conc, IC_Mg_super1_flag, IC_Mg_super1_LOD, IC_Mg_super1_unc, IC_MSA_super1_blank, IC_MSA_super1_conc, IC_MSA_super1_flag, IC_MSA_super1_LOD, IC_MSA_super1_unc, IC_Na_super1_blank, IC_Na_super1_conc, IC_Na_super1_flag, IC_Na_super1_LOD, IC_Na_super1_unc, IC_NH4_super1_blank, IC_NH4_super1_conc, IC_NH4_super1_flag, IC_NH4_super1_LOD, IC_NH4_super1_unc, IC_NO3_super1_blank, IC_NO3_super1_conc, IC_NO3_super1_flag, IC_NO3_super1_LOD, IC_NO3_super1_unc, IC_Oxalate_super1_blank, IC_Oxalate_super1_conc, IC_Oxalate_super1_flag, IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD, IC_Oxalate_super1_unc, IC_total_SO4_super1_blank, IC_total_SO4_super1_conc, IC_total_SO4_super1_flag, IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD, IC_total_SO4_super1_unc, identifier, julian, laboratory, latitude, limit, long, long-term, longitude, marine, mass, mass_super1_conc, mass_super1_flag, methanesulfonic, mole, mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water, mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water, monitoring, msa, n02, nh4, nitrate, no3, noaa, number, nutrients, ocean, oceans, oxalate, pacific, pmel, quality, sampled, science, sea, seawater, sigma, so4, start, station, statistics, status, status_flag, stop, Stop_time, sulfate, supermicron, term, time, total, uncertainty, volume, volume_super1_flag, water, yyyy
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String Data Licenses / Data Usage Restrictions
The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended
for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data
Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any
of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or
implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,
completeness, or usefulness, of this information.

Unless otherwise noted, data served through this ERDDAP server are
not quality controlled. Users may need to do quality control when using
these data. These data are made available at the users own risk.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 71.323
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 71.323
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v29
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String Station, latitude, longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Long-term Air Chemistry Monitoring Experiment-Supermicron
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2023-12-14T03:12:25Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 1997-10-10T07:32:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String Long-term Air Chemistry Monitoring Experiment-Supermicron
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -156.6114
variable Station   String  
attribute Station cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute Station ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Station long_name String Station
variable latitude   float  
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 71.323, 71.323
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable longitude   float  
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float -156.6114, -156.611
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable time   double  
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 8.7646872E8, 1.702523545E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time comment String Start time of sampling period
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Start DateTime UTC
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time time_precision String 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable Stop_time   double  
attribute Stop_time actual_range double 8.7743466E8, 1.703721164E9
attribute Stop_time comment String Stop time of sampling period
attribute Stop_time ioos_category String Time
attribute Stop_time long_name String Stop DateTime UTC
attribute Stop_time standard_name String time
attribute Stop_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute Stop_time time_precision String 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute Stop_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable Filter_ID   String  
attribute Filter_ID ioos_category String Identifier
attribute Filter_ID long_name String Filter ID YYYY_julian day_filter number
variable volume   float  
attribute volume actual_range float 3.46, 1131.8
attribute volume ioos_category String Unknown
attribute volume long_name String Volume of air sampled
attribute volume units String m3
variable mass_super1_conc   float  
attribute mass_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute mass_super1_conc actual_range float 0.0, 32.11
attribute mass_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute mass_super1_conc long_name String Total Mass Concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute mass_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Na_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Na_super1_conc actual_range float 2.0E-4, 2.0181
attribute IC_Na_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Na_super1_conc long_name String IC Na concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Na_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NH4_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc actual_range float 0.0, 1.0535
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc long_name String IC NH4 concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc standard_name String mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NH4_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_K_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_K_super1_conc actual_range float 0.0, 0.1004
attribute IC_K_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_K_super1_conc long_name String IC K concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_K_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Mg_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Mg_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute IC_Mg_super1_conc actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.2282
attribute IC_Mg_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Mg_super1_conc long_name String IC Mg concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Mg_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Ca_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Ca_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute IC_Ca_super1_conc actual_range float 4.0E-4, 2.7609
attribute IC_Ca_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Ca_super1_conc long_name String IC Ca concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Ca_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_MSA_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_MSA_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute IC_MSA_super1_conc actual_range float 0.0, 0.039
attribute IC_MSA_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_MSA_super1_conc long_name String IC MSA concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_MSA_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Cl_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Cl_super1_conc actual_range float 1.0E-4, 2.3656
attribute IC_Cl_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Cl_super1_conc long_name String IC Cl concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Cl_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Br_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Br_super1_conc _FillValue float NaN
attribute IC_Br_super1_conc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0161
attribute IC_Br_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Br_super1_conc long_name String IC Br concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Br_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NO3_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.6574
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc long_name String IC NO3 concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc standard_name String mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NO3_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_total_SO4_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_conc actual_range float 5.0E-4, 0.6462
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_conc long_name String IC total SO4 concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Oxalate_super1_conc   float  
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_conc actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.025
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_conc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_conc long_name String IC Oxalate concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_conc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Na_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Na_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.0652
attribute IC_Na_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Na_super1_blank long_name String IC Na annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Na_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NH4_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank actual_range float -0.001, 0.1828
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank long_name String IC NH4 annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank standard_name String mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NH4_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_K_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_K_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.0062
attribute IC_K_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_K_super1_blank long_name String IC K annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_K_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Mg_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Mg_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.0043
attribute IC_Mg_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Mg_super1_blank long_name String IC Mg annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Mg_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Ca_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Ca_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.044
attribute IC_Ca_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Ca_super1_blank long_name String IC Ca annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Ca_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_MSA_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_MSA_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.3614
attribute IC_MSA_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_MSA_super1_blank long_name String IC methanesulfonic acid annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_MSA_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Cl_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Cl_super1_blank actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.1011
attribute IC_Cl_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Cl_super1_blank long_name String IC Cl annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Cl_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Br_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Br_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute IC_Br_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Br_super1_blank long_name String IC Br annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Br_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NO3_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.0475
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank long_name String IC NO3 annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank standard_name String mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NO3_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_total_SO4_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_blank actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.0542
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_blank long_name String IC total SO4 annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Oxalate_super1_blank   float  
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_blank actual_range float 0.0, 0.025
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_blank ioos_category String Statistics
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_blank long_name String IC oxalate annual average blank concentration, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_blank units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Na_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Na_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.008
attribute IC_Na_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Na_super1_unc long_name String IC Na 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Na_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NH4_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_NH4_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0011
attribute IC_NH4_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_NH4_super1_unc long_name String IC NH4 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NH4_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_K_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_K_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0056
attribute IC_K_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_K_super1_unc long_name String IC K 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_K_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Mg_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Mg_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0036
attribute IC_Mg_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Mg_super1_unc long_name String IC Mg 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Mg_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Ca_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Ca_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0035
attribute IC_Ca_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Ca_super1_unc long_name String IC Ca 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Ca_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_MSA_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_MSA_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute IC_MSA_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_MSA_super1_unc long_name String IC methanesulfonic acid 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_MSA_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Cl_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Cl_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.018
attribute IC_Cl_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Cl_super1_unc long_name String IC Cl 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Cl_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Br_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Br_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.001
attribute IC_Br_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Br_super1_unc long_name String IC Br 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Br_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NO3_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_NO3_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0041
attribute IC_NO3_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_NO3_super1_unc long_name String IC NO3 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NO3_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_total_SO4_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0115
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_unc long_name String IC total sulfate 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Oxalate_super1_unc   float  
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_unc actual_range float 0.0, 0.0147
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_unc ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_unc long_name String IC oxalate 1-sigma uncertainty, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_unc units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Na_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Na_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.1448
attribute IC_Na_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Na_super1_LOD long_name String IC Na limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Na_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NH4_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.758
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD colorBarMaximum double 5.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD long_name String IC NH4 limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD standard_name String mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NH4_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_K_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_K_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.0764
attribute IC_K_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_K_super1_LOD long_name String IC K limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_K_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Mg_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Mg_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.0354
attribute IC_Mg_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Mg_super1_LOD long_name String IC Mg limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Mg_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Ca_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Ca_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.1974
attribute IC_Ca_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Ca_super1_LOD long_name String IC Ca limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Ca_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_MSA_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_MSA_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 1.1309
attribute IC_MSA_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_MSA_super1_LOD long_name String IC methanesulfonic acid limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_MSA_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Cl_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Cl_super1_LOD actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.696
attribute IC_Cl_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Cl_super1_LOD long_name String IC Cl limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Cl_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Br_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Br_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 1.0E-4
attribute IC_Br_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Br_super1_LOD long_name String IC Br limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Br_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_NO3_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.1633
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD colorBarMaximum double 50.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD ioos_category String Dissolved Nutrients
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD long_name String IC NO3 limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD standard_name String mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
attribute IC_NO3_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD actual_range float 1.0E-4, 0.2824
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD long_name String IC SO4 limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD   float  
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD actual_range float 0.0, 0.0899
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD ioos_category String Unknown
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD long_name String IC oxalate limit of detection, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_LOD units String micrograms m-3
variable IC_Na_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Na_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Na_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Na_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Na_super1_flag long_name String IC Na flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Na_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_NH4_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_NH4_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_NH4_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_NH4_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_NH4_super1_flag long_name String IC NH4 flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NH4_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_K_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_K_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_K_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_K_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_K_super1_flag long_name String IC K flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_K_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_Mg_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Mg_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Mg_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Mg_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Mg_super1_flag long_name String IC Mg flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Mg_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_Ca_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Ca_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Ca_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Ca_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Ca_super1_flag long_name String IC Ca flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Ca_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_MSA_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_MSA_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_MSA_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_MSA_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_MSA_super1_flag long_name String IC methanesulfonic acid flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_MSA_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_Cl_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Cl_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Cl_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Cl_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Cl_super1_flag long_name String IC Cl flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Cl_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_Br_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Br_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_>_2.2, missing, below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Br_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Br_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Br_super1_flag long_name String IC Br flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Br_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_NO3_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_NO3_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_NO3_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_NO3_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_NO3_super1_flag long_name String IC NO3 flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_NO3_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_total_SO4_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_flag long_name String IC SO4 flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_total_SO4_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable IC_Oxalate_super1_flag   String  
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_flag long_name String IC oxalate flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute IC_Oxalate_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable volume_super1_flag   String  
attribute volume_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute volume_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute volume_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute volume_super1_flag long_name String IC volume flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute volume_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag
variable mass_super1_flag   String  
attribute mass_super1_flag flag_meanings String volume_<_2.2 missing below_detectable_limit
attribute mass_super1_flag flag_values String V', 'M', 'BDL'
attribute mass_super1_flag ioos_category String Quality
attribute mass_super1_flag long_name String IC mass flag, Dp > 1.1um
attribute mass_super1_flag standard_name String status_flag

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